In this article we will learn how to use replace token in ADO pipeline. This can help to update the file with variable value during the pipeline execution.
Scenario to Use
Assume you have some file that needs to be updated before the pipeline starts like ARM template file with some custom value.
Any other configuration file with value specific to environment.
File like web.config that needs to be updated.
Supported Data Type
Setup Workflow
Step 1: Determine which config/json or any other file you want to use for replacing the token.
Step 2: Tokenize all required variable in file like below.
Example: I have one demo json file.
"ConnectionString": "#{ConnectionString}#",
"WebAppURL": "#{WebAppURL}#",
"VMCount": #{VmCount}#
Step 3: Install Replace Token Extension to Azure DevOps. Follow here.
Step 4: Once Extension installed you can see the Option while editing the Pipeline.
Pipeline --> Edit Pipeline --> Task --> Search for replace token.
Step 5: Now replace token step needs to be added in the Pipeline. You make sure to include this task before using the file.
- task: replacetokens@5
targetFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Profile/demo.json'
encoding: 'auto'
tokenPattern: 'default'
writeBOM: true
actionOnMissing: 'warn'
keepToken: false
actionOnNoFiles: 'continue'
enableTransforms: false
enableRecursion: false
useLegacyPattern: false
enableTelemetry: true
Step 6: Declare and Define the variable.
We can define the variable multiple way.
Pipeline variable
Variable Group
I have defined as pipeline variable.
VMCount: ${{parameters.VMCount}}
WebAppURL: ""
ConnectionString: "Database Sourc=Demo"
Step 7: Demo YAML file for your reference.
name: yamldemo_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)
- name: VMCount
displayName: "Enter the VM Count"
type: number
VMCount: ${{parameters.VMCount}}
WebAppURL: ""
ConnectionString: "Database Sourc=Demo"
trigger: none
name: default
- task: replacetokens@5
targetFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Profile/demo.json'
encoding: 'auto'
tokenPattern: 'default'
writeBOM: true
actionOnMissing: 'warn'
keepToken: false
actionOnNoFiles: 'continue'
enableTransforms: false
enableRecursion: false
useLegacyPattern: false
enableTelemetry: true
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: "Display Updated token File"
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
Write-Host "Displaying the Content"
Get-Content -path $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Profile/demo.json