In this article we learn how to Implement the CI/CD for Confluent Kafka Topics.
Confluent Cloud is streaming service based on the Apache Kafka and currently it is used as fully Managed Service.
DevOps Architecture

Use Case
As part of the confluent CI/CD, Sync the Topic created on the Dev to Pre Prod and from Pre Prod to Prod. During the Sync you will have option to customize the configuration like Partition count, Retention policy etc.
Technologies Used
GitHub Action YMAL
Python Script
Setup CI/CD- Sync
Configure Repo
Since we are using the Python Script and GitHub Action Workflow to achieve the CI/CD. You can fork the below GitHub Repo and import to your repo.
All the Solution file is publicly accessible at.
Workflow File
Python Script
Lets discuss each of them one my one.
Workflow File
Workflow File available here.

Deployment Script/requirments.txt Files
Deployment script and dependency file.

Configure Workflow File
Once workflow file is imported to your GitHub now it's time to make below changes as per your Environment.
Since we are syncing the Topic Details from one Environment to another we have Created two option.
npr-prp --> Sync from Non Prod to Pre-Prod Environment
prp-prd --> Sync from Pre-Prod to Prod Environment
Parameters Details
Environment --> Environment to Sync From and To
topic_list --> List of Topic to be Created separated by ,
partitions_count --> This can be set default or Custom
replication_factor -->This can be set default or Custom
rentention_days --> Retention Policy Days
RemoveList --> List of Topic to be removed separated by ,
# Name of your Source Cosmos DB
description: 'Enviroment --> npr-prp,prp-prd'
required: true
default: 'npr-prp'
description: 'Topics to Deploy--> , separated or set full for all topic to Deploy'
required: true
default: 'srs-test1,srstest2'
description: 'Custom Partition Count else keep --> default'
required: true
default: 'default'
description: 'replication_factor else keep --> default'
required: false
default: 'default'
description: 'Rentention Day of logs like- 7, 10. For Infinite -1'
required: false
default: 'default'
description: 'Topics to Delete--> , separated for Multiple Value'
required: false
default: ''
Update Config for Non Prod-Pre Prod Sync
Under the Env Setting Update the below value.
Confluent_Source_Server --> Non Prod Confluent Server
Confluent_Target_Server --> Pre Prod Confluent Server
Confluent_Source_Cluster_Id --> Non Prod Cluster ID
Confluent_Target_Cluster_Id --> Pre Prod Cluster ID

keyVaultName-NPR --> Kevault of Non Prod
keyVaultName-PRP --> Kevault of Pre Prod

Each Key Vault will have below Two information.
This is the cluster Access Key Which can be created/Retrieve from the Confluent Cluster. The purpose of this access to create Access token for Authentication used by Python Script. Find below steps to get the key and secret for the Cluster
For each cluster you need to create the API key which consist of Key Name and Secret.

GitHub Secret for the Authentication to Azure
Create below secret which will have access to Key Vault. As part of the step we are connecting to Azure to fetch the Key Vault Secret.

# Sync from NPR to PRP
if: ${{ github.event.inputs.Environment == 'npr-prp' }}
needs: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
Confluent_Source_Server: ''
Confluent_Target_Server: ''
Confluent_Source_Cluster_Id: 'lkc-380qx0'
Confluent_Target_Cluster_Id: 'lkc-do8dn1'
keyVaultName-NPR: 'AKV-NPR'
keyVaultName-PRP: 'AKV-PRP'
# Login to Azure
- name: Login via Az module
uses: Azure/login@v1.4.5
creds: |
${{ secrets.SP_NPR }}
# Download secret from KeyVault Secrets
- name: Download publish profile from KeyVault Secrets
uses: Azure/get-keyvault-secrets@v1
keyvault: ${{ env.keyVaultName-PRP }}
secrets: 'confluentcluster-kafka-prp-key,confluentcluster-kafka-prp-secretkey'
id: ConfluentSecretActionPRP
# Login to Azure
- name: Login via Az module
uses: Azure/login@v1.4.5
creds: |
${{ secrets.SP_NPR }}
# Download secret from KeyVault Secrets
- name: Download publish profile from KeyVault Secrets
uses: Azure/get-keyvault-secrets@v1
keyvault: ${{ env.keyVaultName-NPR }}
secrets: 'confluentcluster-kafka-npr-key,confluentcluster-kafka-npr-secretkey'
id: ConfluentSecretActionNPR
# Download Artifact: deployment-scripts
- name: 'Download Artifact: Deployment Script'
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: 'deployment-scripts'
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/Deployment-Scripts/Confluent-Sync/
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/Deployment-Scripts/Confluent-Sync/"
pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Sync Confluent Topics
run: |
chmod +x $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/Deployment-Scripts/Confluent-Sync/
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/Deployment-Scripts/Confluent-Sync/
source_api_key: ${{ steps.ConfluentSecretActionNPR.outputs.confluentcluster-kafka-npr-key }}
source_api_secret: ${{ steps.ConfluentSecretActionNPR.outputs.confluentcluster-kafka-npr-secretkey }}
target_api_key: ${{ steps.ConfluentSecretActionPRP.outputs.confluentcluster-kafka-prp-key }}
target_api_secret: ${{ steps.ConfluentSecretActionPRP.outputs.confluentcluster-kafka-prp-secretkey }}
source_server: ${{ env.Confluent_Source_Server }}
target_server: ${{ env.Confluent_Target_Server }}
source_cluster_id: ${{ env.Confluent_Source_Cluster_Id }}
target_cluster_id: ${{ env.Confluent_Target_Cluster_Id }}
topic_list: ${{ github.event.inputs.topic_list }}
topic_deletelist: ${{ github.event.inputs.RemoveList }}
partitions_count: ${{ github.event.inputs.partitions_count }}
replication_factor: ${{ github.event.inputs.replication_factor }}
rentention_days: ${{ github.event.inputs.rentention_days }}
Run Workflow
Once All the configuration completed now we are ready to test the workflow. Currently I have setup for Non Prod to Pre Prod Sync for Demo.

Workflow Output
