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Writer's pictureSumit Raj

LetsDevOps: How to Install Apache Airflow & Create your First DAG.


In this blog we learn how to install apache airflow on windows laptop and create our first DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).


Install Docker desktop

Insatllation Steps:

Step 1: Download the docker compose file from Airflow

Step 2: Create a folder "apache-airflow"and save the above content in the docker-compose.yaml file

Step 3: Create .env file and save below


Step 4: Initialaize the database

docker compose up airflow-init

The account created has the login airflow and the password airflow

Step 5: Run the Airflow

docker compose up

Step 6: try to browse http://localhost:8080/

user: airflow

: airflow

Create First DAG

Step 2: Copy the content and create file

from datetime import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
# A DAG represents a workflow, a collection of tasks
with DAG(dag_id="myfirst_dag", start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1), schedule="0 0 * * *") as dag:
    # Tasks are represented as operators
    hello = BashOperator(task_id="hello", bash_command="echo hello")
    def airflow():
    # Set dependencies between tasks
    hello >> airflow()

Step 3: Store the file at dags folder where we installed the airflow.

Step 4: Make sure the py file stored in the below location.

Step 5: Check after couple of minutes. your dag will be picked up and display at the portal.

Search like below

Step 6: You can enable the DAG now.


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